- Windproof-System
- Handöffner
- 102 cm/8-teilig
- 16 mm Fiberglasstock
- Fiberglasschienen
- Sicherheitsschieber
- SoftGriff mit Werbeanbringungsmöglichkeit
- schwarze Kunststoffspitzen, -Glocke und Top
- ca. 180 cm Ø, ca. 128 cm lang, ca. 940 g, VE 6 Stück
3XL fibreglas golf umbrella FARE Doorman
Giant doorman umbrella for up to sevem people, windproof-system, manual open, 102 cm/8 ribs, 16 mm fibreglass shaft, fibreglass ribs, safety runner, soft handle and with promotional labelling option, black plastic top, tip-cup and tips, approx. 180 cm Ø, approx. 128 cm long, approx. 940 g, PU 6 pieces